Eyes on music: Projects on visual ethnomusicology

In ethnomusicological studies, the audiovisual component is becoming largely preponderant in field studies as well as in the production of documents and their diffusion. The camera has now replaced the tape-recorder in most documentation activities and digital technology has made high-quality audiovisual documents accessible for archiving, analysis and publication purposes. Films are used by ethnomusicologists not only for the production of documentaries, but also for popularising, teaching, and the creation of multimedia archives. This great proliferation of audiovisual technologies has not been accompanied, however, by adequate training of researchers. In the universities, the small number of teachers and few resources means that, in most cases, it is not possible to teach fieldwork and procedures for the documentation, analysis and editing of audiovisual products in a satisfactory way.

For this reason, the Intercultural Institute of Comparative Music Studies (IISMC) has decided to develop a project dedicated to these issues with the academic supervision of Giovanni Giuriati, Marco Lutzu, Claudio Rizzoni and Simone Tarsitani. The project has three separate but complementary parts:

1) An annual research scholarship of 5,000 euros to be assigned to a young researcher to make a documentary on an ethnomusicological theme. Projects received by means of a call for applications will be judged by a panel of three experts. The winner will undertake to make the documentary, which will be screened publicly in Venice the following year. A copy of the material produced during the making of the film will remain in the IISMC Archive. The scholarship is offered by Fondazione di Venezia.

Download the scholarship announcement here

Download the application form here

Application deadline: 16 April 2018

2) A workshop in the field of visual ethnomusicology. For a week, two experts will hold an intensive workshop with a selected number of participants on a relevant topic of audiovisual documentation in ethnomusicology (e.g. audiovisual documentation of fieldwork, documentaries, video documentation for analytical purposes, visual representation of analysis and post-production). An integral part of the workshop will be the documentation of a musical event organised by the IISMC in the same week. The participants (a maximum of ten) selected through a call for applications will be offered accommodation in a residence and lunches.

Download the complete scholarship announcement here

Download the application form here

Application deadline: 16 April 2018

For further information on the calls for applications and other queries:

musica.comparata@cini.itwww.cini.it – t. +39 041 2710357

For information on the Vittore Branca Center, Residence and its services:

centrobranca@cini.itwww.cini.it – t. +39 041 2710253