Study Day Meeting of Italian Drama Schools

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
plus SEP, 25 2015

Th e Centre for Study and Documentary Research into European  Theatre
and Opera has collaborated with the Accademia Teatrale Veneta to organise a study day for Italian drama schools on 25 September at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini under the patronage of the Veneto Region. 

The aim is to create a network, modelled on the École des Écoles, in order to adopt a joint approach to some issues concerning drama teaching: the relation with the institutions and standardisation, the regulations at ministerial level for drama education and the professional placement of post-diploma students.  e need to exchange ideas on these themes arises from a lack of standardisation in the sector and the requirement to ensure that the Ministry of Education provides acknowledgement and support reflecting the quality of the education on offer. 

The schools invited to participate are required to meet a number of prerequisites, such as, the duration of the education programme, the number of teachers involved, the level of the diploma o ered or a high-pro le history.  They will be called upon to give their own contribution in an attempt to identify which ministerial sector is suitable for shared activities and what minimal criteria are required to qualify for the title of “Accademia d’arte drammatica”.  The following schools will take part in the study: the Scuola di Recitazione del Teatro Stabile, Genoa, the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi, the Accademia dei Filodrammatici and the Scuola del Piccolo Teatro, Milan, the Accademia d’Arte Drammatica del Teatro Bellini, Naples, la Scuola del Teatro Stabile, Turin, and the Civica Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Nico Pepe, Udine, the Scuola
di Teatro di Bologna “Alessandra Galante Garrone”, the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica
“Silvio D’Amico” and the Accademia Internazionale di Teatro di Roma.