Call for vocal ensembles EUROPA ROSSI

Call for vocal ensembles EUROPA ROSSI

Singing and praying in Jewish Italy


Two concerts to remember one of the earliest Jewish female professional singers in the Western world, the Mantuan Europa Rossi, and her celebrated brother Salomone (1570-c.1630): composer, liturgist, and promoter of the first printed polyphony on Hebrew texts in early 17th-century Venice. A unique event included in the commemoration of the five-hundredth anniversary of the inauguration of the Venetian Ghetto (1516), sadly the first of many of its kind in Italy and the world.

The Fondazione Giorgio Cini, together with the Committee ‘500 Years of the Jewish Ghetto of Venice’, the Foundation Concordance and the Israelitische Gemeinde Basel, Switzerland, will feature a coaching session in Venice and a concert to be performed both in Venice and Basel in November 2016.

Young vocal ensembles consisting of one female (S) and three male (A-T-B) singers are invited to apply for the following events:

One coaching session in Venice: November 7-9, 2016. Coach: Elam Rotem and Pedro Memelsdorff

One concert in Venice: November 9, 2016, Fondazione Giorgio Cini

One concert in Basel (Switzerland): November 10, 2016, Museum Kleines Klingental

Repertoire: Salomone Rossi, selected Psalms and Madrigals

For the application ensembles are requested to send by e-mail at individual and collective CVs, as well as a live video containing a mixed sampler (minimum 20 minutes) of the repertoire uploaded on these links

Salomone Rossi – Six Madrigals

Salomone Rossi – selected Hebrew prayers

The deadline is September 5, 2016