Lettera da San Giorgio 23



Programmes (September 2010 – February 2011)


Main Forthcoming Activities

Le Arti di Piranesi.
Architetto, incisore, antiquario, vedutista, designer

Audio-video music series
Out-of-frames, or the Lost Immortals

Opening event of the Dialoghi di San Giorgio

I Dialoghi di San Giorgio
Protecting nature or saving creation? Ecological confl icts and religious passions

Sixth International Conference on the Future of Science
Viruses: the invisibile enemy

Titina Rota at San Giorgio

One Day Seminar
The Operas of Luciano Berio
Passage and Thereabouts

Books at San Giorgio

International Conference
Doges’ Tombs: commemorating the principles of the Venetian Republic

International Conference
Mathematics, Acoustics and Architecture in the work of Giordano Riccati (1709 – 1790)

Institute for Living Voice
An international artistic educational project dedicated to the richness of vocal art

Seminar and Concert
Polifonie “in viva voce” 14
Albanian Male Choirs in the Cham Tradition

Andrea and Giuseppe Pozzo in Rome, Venice and Vienna

Il viaggio di Eleonora Duse intorno al mondo

One Day Seminar and Concert
Voice and Sound of Prayer 1
The Armenian Lithurgical Chant

XVI Ethnomusicology Seminar
Ethnomusicology and Aesthetics

The Giorgio Cini Foundation Piranesi Collection

Projects and Research
The arts of Piranesi: an exhibition project

Presences on San Giorgio
Piranesi and Palladio: return at San Giorgio

