In 2024, the advanced Masterclasses on the performance of Antonio Vivaldi’s music will continue in six encounters lasting three to four days each.
Over the course of the year, there will be six appointments dedicated to singing (sacred vocal music, secular vocal music and musical drama), held by Gemma Bertagnolli and Gianluca Capuano and one appointment
dedicated to the basso continuo, to be held by Antonio Frigé. The Masterclasses will take place on the following dates: 20 to 22 March, 8 to 11 April, 8 to 11 May, 12 to 15 June, 3 to 6 July 2024. The ten selected students
and scholarship winners will have the opportunity not only to enhance their own interpretation, but also to explore musicological aspects of the pieces examined, thanks to lectures given by musicologists in partnership
with the Italian Antonio Vivaldi Institute and with the research group La drammaturgia musicale a Venezia (1678–1792) of the Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi. There will be a concert at the end of each of the encounters.
In February, prior to the start of the courses, an appointment will be held by Federico Maria Sardelli, entitled “Interpretare Vivaldi a partire dai suoi manoscritti” (‘Interpreting Vivaldi on the basis of his manuscripts’),
providing an introduction to the subsequent courses, aimed at instrumentalists, singers, conductors and musicologists who wish to enhance their understanding of the performance practices of Vivaldi’s music through
the study of his manuscripts and the many interpretative notes to be found therein. More than any of his contemporaries, Vivaldi was the composer who littered his scores with invaluable indications for the performer.
Gathering them from all his manuscripts, learning how to interpret them and contextualise them is of great help to performance practices, providing answers to many questions and allowing us to correct numerous errors
and misunderstandings of our time.
The courses will be held on the following dates:
March 20 – 23
Thursday, March 20 at 5 p.m. there will be a lecture at the Giorgio Cini Foundation organized in collaboration with the Levi Foundation
April 8 – 11
May 8 – 11
Singing (Gemma Bertagnolli)
Thursday, May 9 at 6 p.m. there will be a lecture by Professor Lucio Tufano (University of Palermo) organized in collaboration with the research group La drammaturgia musicale a Venezia (1678-1792) of the Ugo and Olga Levi Foundation.
June 12 – 15
Singing (Gianluca Capuano)
The course will be dedicated to Antonio Vivaldi’s Drammi per musica; concluding concert open to the public on Friday, June 14.
July 3 – 6
Singing (Gemma Bertagnolli)
The meeting will be entirely dedicated to the serenade La Senna Festeggiante, RV 693 so all the pieces presented must be taken from this work; in addition, all admitted singers will have to prepare the three choruses of the serenade (the initial one and the two concluding ones of the first and second parts).
The course will conclude with the performance of the Serenata in a public concert.