Historical studies seminar Memory blanks; haunting spectres

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
plus May, 1113 2015

In the 60th anniversary year of the creation of the Institute for the History of the Venetian State and Society, and in the wake of a wellestablished tradition since 1977, in 2015 there will be five half days devoted to the customary meetings and exchanges in the seminar for historians in Venice. The overall title binding together the around twenty expected papers is Memory blanks; haunting spectres. The seminar is still at the planning stage but for the round table on “The Veneto”, a paper has been announced on the “Spectre of Communism”, which made a disquieting appearance during the revolutionary years 1848-1849. Among the other confirmed papers are: “The memory of the past: narration and historiography”; and “18th-century Venice and early 20th-century Viennese spectres”.