International Conference Il Teatro Sant’Angelo al tempo di Vivaldi (1700-1740)

plus Nov, 1618 2023

The International conference is organised by the Italian Antonio Vivaldi Institute, the Fondazione Ugo e Olga Levi’s research group ‘La drammaturgia musicale a Venezia (1678-1792)’ and the research group ‘WoVen’, University of Science and Technology of Norway – NTNU.
The subject of the study will be the way in which, between 1700 and 1740, the programming of the Sant’Angelo Theatre explored various declinations of musical dramaturgy, in decades of transition and coexistence between seventeenth-century models, Zeno’s reformed drama and the new acquisitions of Neapolitan opera. An entire session will be devoted to Vivaldi’s activity at the Sant’Angelo as impresario (1712–16; 1725–27), specifically investigating his programming choices, his strategies for
planning theatre seasons, his interventions in the scores to be performed – both his own and others’ – as well as his contribution to the production of pasticci operas.
The study days of 16 and 18 November will be held at the FondazioneLevi, while the day of 17 November, dedicated to Vivaldi, will be held at the Fondazione Cini, and will conclude with a concert by the students of the Accademia Vivaldi who will perform a selection of arias written for the Teatro Sant’Angelo under the management of Vivaldi.