Investigating Musical Performance: Towards a Conjuction of Ethnographic and Historiographic Perspectives

Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
plus Jul, 0810 2016

Dioskourides Di Samo, Mosaico con musici, Villa Di Cicerone, Pompei. Su concessione del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo – Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli.

International conference

Investigating Musical Performance: Towards a Conjunction of Ethnographic and Historiographic Perspectives

Continuing with the project to study the practice of performance, launched in 2012 in collaboration between the Intercultural Institute of Comparative Music Studies and the Institute of Music, this conference is the concluding stage of the interdisciplinary thinking pursued in previous seminars. Authoritative experts from various disciplines (musicology, ethnomusicology, popular music and jazz studies) will gather to discuss the possible convergence between ethnographic and historical research in addressing an important theme for contemporary musicology. It is a cut little explored in other meetings on the same theme, which characterizes the project since its debut.

The papers of the participants, organized in four sessions coordinated by Gianmario Borio, Giovanni Giuriati, Alessandro Cecchi and Marco Lutzu, represent the latest research experiences on musical performance, which are developed both within the Anglo-Saxon and American musicology than in that of several European countries. Participate: Philip Auslander, Camilla Bork, Martin Clayton, John Covach, Michela Garda, Francesco Giannattasio, Travis A. Jackson, Laura Leante, Pierre Michel, John Rink, Martin Scherzinger, Janet Schmalfeldt, Mary Ann Smart, Martin Stokes, Timothy Taylor, John Covach, Richard Widdess.

On the 9th July at 7 pm in the Auditorium ‘Lo Squero’ it has programmed a concert of MDI ENSEMBLE group that will perform the song Allegro Sostenuto of the composer Helmut Lachenmann.

The concert is free, subject to availability, upon invitation presentation to be collected at the entrance.

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