La musica degli occhi

ISBN 88-222-5572-0

This book is the Italian translation of all Pietro Gonzaga’s writings in French. A major 18th-century Veneto stage-designer, Pietro Gonzaga was born at Longarone, Belluno, in 1751. After attending the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, he moved to Milan, where he worked at the Teatro alla Scala, firstly as an assistant to the Galliari brothers, and then as the principal stage designer. After taking part in the first ever production at the Fenice in Venice, he moved to St Petersburg, where he was appointed chief stage designer of the imperial theatres. His writings date from the first years of the 19th century when he had already settled in Russia. Some are autobiographical, while others deal with theatre, stage design and theatre architecture. He was eventually also appointed court architect and died in Russia in 1831.


Maria Ida Biggi
Introductory essay

La musica degli occhi e l’ottica teatrale (1800-1807)

Informazioni al mio capo o Chiarimenti dello scenografo Pietro Gottardo sull’esercizio della sua professione (1807)

Del sentimento, del gusto e della bellezza (1811)

Opinioni dello scenografo Gonzaga sull’economia dello spettacolo (1815)

Osservazioni sulla costruzione dei teatri da parte di uno scenografo (1817)


Index of name
