Fiabe e racconti veronesi

ISBN 978 88 89527 184

This third volume completes the publication of Fiabe e racconti veronesi raccolti da Ettore Scipione Righi (“Veronese fables and stories collected by Scipione Righi”), a project
begun in 2004 as part of the Veneto Popular Culture series, a Veneto
Region initiative with a contribution from the Giorgio Cini Foundation,
The seventy stories in the third volume complete the total
of 230 in the whole collection, making it one of the largest
collections of popular narrative in Italy, comparable in size to the
works put together by Giuseppe Pitrè or Vittorio Imbriani.
The great
interest and positive comments not only from experts in
ethno-anthropology, folklore, linguistics, and dialectology, but also
from schools and non-specialist readers, have confirmed the remarkable
impact of the collection.
As Daniela Perco points out in the
introduction to the first volume, Righi was driven by a “kind of
mission, informed by a linguistic-type sensitivity, but also by a faith
in progress and the conviction that nothing should be neglected or is
pointless in the world, and that everything contributes to the
incessant development of civilisation, to which the wills of all great
minds and honest spirits tend in different ways”.


XXXIII. Carolina Carli
XXXIV. Francesco Dalla Vecchia
XXXV. Caterina Montebelli
XXXVI. Giobatta Franchi
XXXVII. Gabriella Guglielmi
XXXVIII. Gaetano Comparotto
XXXIX. Angelina Vallinetti
XL. Guido Ruffoni
XLI. Antonietta Allegrini
XLII. Luigi Zampini
XLIII. Maria Fassini
XLIV. Augusta Cavazzana
XLV. Gino Zuffelato
XLVI. Domenica Pontiroli
XLVII. Maria Bresavola De Missa
XLVIII. Fiabe anonime

Tavola sinottica delle fiabe del Fondo Righi della Biblioteca Civica di Verona
