Gli inventari di Pietro Edwards nella Biblioteca del Seminario Patriarcale di Venezia

Part of a research project on Veneto art
collecting set up by the Institute of Art History, this book is the
outcome of processing and studying inventories made at the end of the
18th-century by Pietro Edwards, who was particularly reliable when it
came to attributing works of art. An art expert, painter, and keeper of
public painting during the Venetian Republic, Edwards later became a
high functionary under the Napoleonic regime. He was also an expert on
restoration, a dealer on the art market, and certainly one of the most
multi-faceted figures in the last years of the Serenissima and in the
early 19th century.
Far from simply being a secondary activity,
his work as an expert evaluator emerges in these inventories in all its
importance. The book includes the inventories for the collections of
some of the major Venetian families and illustrious foreign families
with names such as: Pesaro, Albertis, Geminiano Cozzi, Lodovico
Franceschi, Marina Nani Donà, Tamagno, Antonio Zen, Nicolò Biondi,
Salvatore Orsetti, Zon, Giacomo Boldù, Manin, Caterino Corner, Erizzo a
San Martino, Pietro, Antonio and Tomaso Condulmer, Mocenigo a San
Samuele, Dolfin, Da Mula a Sant’Agnese, Renier, Giovanelli, Pisani a
Santo Stefano, Donà a Santa Fosca, Widmann a San Canciano, Manfrin,
Toninotto, and Agdollo.
