The Vivaldi Compendium

ISBN 978184836704


The short Vivaldilexikon by Walter Kolneder that the publisher Gustav Lübbe brought out in
1984 proved the usefulness of such a work, of which Talbot’s larger and more
ambitious book is a reincarnation designed for the needs of today. Its largest
component is a dictionary of people, places, institutions, works and concepts
connected with Vivaldi. This dictionary is comprehensively cross-referenced so
that the reader is guided efficiently to related articles. Also included is an
extensive bibliography – perhaps the longest ever compiled for Vivaldi – to
which the dictionary articles are similarly cross-referenced via a system of
sigla. The other two components are an up-to-date work list that takes account
of the additions and revisions made since the publication of Peter Ryom’s
catalogue of 2007 and a compact biography of the composer. The book’s goal is
to provide a convenient work of quick reference that is able also to serve as a
gateway to the international literature, ancient and modern, relevant to