You searched for «Giovanni Morelli». 61 results where found.

APR, 12 — MAY, 03 2012

Books at San Giorgio


The yearly series begun in 2005 and now into its seventh year will resume again in April with the launch of the latest publications associated with the Giorgio Cini Foundation. The first book in the new crop of publications will be presented on 12 April: La Visione, the eighth volume in the “Viridarium” series brings

MAY, 03 2012

Books at San Giorgio


Lastly, on 3 May the series ends by commemorating Giovanni Morelli with the presentation of the latest issue of the magazine AAM-TAC Art & Artifacts in Movie, Technology, Aesthetics and Communication, a publication devoted to music and film. Will present Antonio Costa, will participate Fabrizio Borin Free entrance

JUN, 27 — 28 2012


Concerts and shows

27 June 2012 – 27 May 2012 Concerts and shows Concert L’art d’inventer à l’improviste autour de Mozart  L’ART D’INVENTER À L’IMPROVISTE AUTOUR DE MOZART in memory of GIOVANNI MORELLI  27 June 6pm  Davide Amodio, violin, Conservatorio “B. Marcello”, Venice; Edoardo Torbianelli, fortepiano, Musik Akademie, Basel.   J. C. BACH (1735 -1782) Sonata II op. 16

NOV, 02 2011

Concerts and shows

Gran Teatro "La Fenice", Sale Apollinee, Mercoledì 2 novembre 2011, ore 20.00 MI STRUGGO AL SUON DELLE PAROLE Monica Bacelli mezzosoprano Alberto Caprioli direttore Ex Novo Ensemble Daniele Ruggieri flauto Davide Teodoro clarinetto Carlo Lazari violino Mario Paladin viola Carlo Teodoro violoncello Aldo Orvieto pianoforte Guida critica di Alberto Caprioli GIOVANNI PIERLUIGI DA PALESTRINA (1525-1594)/BRUNO

NOV, 30 2005

Polifonie “in viva voce” from Georgia

Concerts and shows

The Intercultural Institute of Comparative Music Studies has dedicated the “in viva voce” cycle, now in its ninth edition, to a very special seminar: an experiment in contextualising the study of living polyphonic music. In fact the seminar wishes to bring together experts with various backgrounds (musicologists, historians, and film analysts) with artists and singers

SEP, 12 2009 — MAY, 05 2010

International Courses in ‘Alta Cultura’


Courses in ‘Alta Cultura’ have been held annually, in early September, since 1959. Offering an interdisplinary approach to vital issues in the humanities, they are attended by almost 200 people from over thirty countries. The courses make a significant contribution to the cultural life of Venice through the presence of eminent professors and scholars of

JUN, 13 — 15 2009

The dramaturgy of sound in the work of Luigi Nono


The Luigi Nono Archive, with a Steering Committee composed of Gianmario Borio, Angela Ida De Benedictis, Marco Mazzolini, Giovanni Morelli, Veniero Rizzardi and Jürg Stenzl, is organising an international conference on the theme of “The dramaturgy of sound in the work of Luigi Nono”, in collaboration with the Giorgio Cini Foundation Institute of Music and


Ottorino Respighi

Multimedia publications

The Ottorino Respighi Bequest in the Giorgio Cini Foundation was re-organised and digitised in 2008 with the contribution of the Veneto Archives Superintendency. Directed by Giovanni Morelli, the project was carried out by Martina Buran (documentary archive) and Vitale Fano (music manuscripts).The resulting DVD entitled “Ottorino Respighi. Music manuscripts and documentary archive at the Giorgio


Il Medoro (Aureli – Lucio) 1658


Un’opera “veneziana” che prepara il dopo Cavalli. Gli aspetti musicali e letterari di una intensa ricerca drammaturgica e di una vera e propria ricognizione sulla autonomia dello spettacolo operistico dalle fonti classiche dei primi “generi”. CONTENTS Migliori plettri. Il Medoro di Aureli – Lucio (Venezia, 1658) Giovanni Morelli Fare un libretto. La conquista della poetica

JUL, 05 2008

Study day in memory of Fabio Fano (1908-1991)


15.00 Interventi di Giulio Cattin, Ivano Cavallini, Vitale Fano, Elisa Grossato, Mario Messinis, Giovanni Morelli, Wolfgang Osthoff 18.00 Concert Massimo Somenzi piano DOMENICO SCARLATTI Sonata in Do maggiore L 457 – Sonata in Do# minore L 265 – Sonata in La maggiore L 483 WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART Fantasia in Do minore Kv475 FRANZ LISZT La


L’Europa musicale


(available in Italian only) CONTENTS Premesse Feliciano Benvenuti La musica della civiltà veneziana Vittorio Mathieu L’opera d’arte musicale come organismo Peter Maag Il tema della notte nella musica romantica Incontro don Goffredo Petrassi Ivan Vandor L’influenza delle musiche non europee sulla musica europea dell XX secolo Luigi Nono Altre possibilità di ascolto Nino Pirrota Musica


Venezia e il Melodramma nel Seicento


(available in Italian only) CONTENTS Gianfranco Folena Premessa Thomas Walker Gli errori di “Minerva al tavolino” Lionello Cammarota L’orchestrazione dell’ “Orfeo” di Monteverdi Claudio Gallico “In modo dorico” Burno Brizi Teoria e prassi melodrammatica di G. F. Busenello e “L’Incoronazione di Poppea” Ellen Rosan Aria as drama in the early operas of Francesco Cavalli Giovanni