Guidelines for book-reviewers

Thank you for agreeing to write a book review for our journal. Here you will find some useful guidelines that aim to help you in the process:
1. Reviews should be 1500-2000 words in length.

We ask that reviewers use Times New Roman font, 12 points, double line spaced.

Margins should be at least 2.5 cm.

Punctuation should come inside closing quotation marks.

2. When preparing your review, please include the following:
a. Title of book
b. Author name in full
c. Year of publication
d. Publisher name and location (city and country/US state)
e. Page count of book
f. ISBN number

3. If you are quoting other sources, please include a (short) bibliography.

4. Be critical where appropriate, but please always remain respectful, constructive and fair.

5. Please declare in advance if you have any potential conflict of interests with regards to the review.

Also, please note that we commission original reviews. We will not knowingly publish reviews that have been scheduled to appear elsewhere.

6. Reviewers should add their name and institutional affiliation (including city & country) and their email address at the end of the review.

Please send your reviews only as .doc files.

In case reviews need to be slightly edited after submission for space and clarity, the edited reviews will be sent back to authors for their approval before publication.


For any additional questions please contact us at